A note from the VCF Membership Secretary

Please let us know about changes to your Mailing Address or Email Address!
This is important because we often send prize checks through the US Postal Service.

We send your newsletter by bulk mail. Postal regulations require that our magazine be returned to us so we can correct addresses in our database. 
Every time a magazine is returned, we pay both the initial postage plus the postage to return the magazine to the VCF. 
Please help us to save money by keeping us informed when you move. 
This can be done by e-mail to membership@vachess.org or by writing to the return address on the back page of the newsletter.

Note that we also continue to send magazines to our members beyond their membership expiration to keep in touch.
These members are also requested to keep us informed about address changes or ask to have the magazine discontinued.

Is your newsletter missing?

If you did not get your newsletter either due to the issue noted above or for some other reason, please e-mail  membership@vachess.org  to let us know.  
Include your current address so I can verify we have the correct address in our database.  You can check to see when the latest issue has mailed on the "Join the
VCF" page of the VCF website. http://www.vachess.org/  

If we have your e-mail address, I can send you a PDF version of the newsletter that was returned by the Post Office.  Please give us your e-mail address
when you enter a VCF tournament or e-mail membership@vachess.org.

Georgina Chin
VCF Membership Secretary
2851 Cherry Branch Lane
Herndon, Virginia 20170
VCF membership Secretary